
December 31, 2010

NPR STORY Pakistan - Widow revives embroidery of Swat Valley and helps women earn living

Embroidery is beautiful - brightly colored, symmetrical. Women can earn $50-100/month (good wages there) . I was struck by the beauty of the stitchery,  amazed at the photo of a yarn shop in an open market and fascinated by the idea of a cigarette smoking, widowed princess helping other women better their lives through embroidery. All thanks to NPR. She ends the story, "All I need is a market in America." As I read the article, I thought, I would really like to have a piece of that embroidery,  but I know I'll never go to the Swat valley.  Is there an internet site to bring crafts from around the world with those who appreciate them? Probably. If not, we need one.

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